Marygold Rose

Grand Cru selection

Marygold Rose tea flower

3 tea flower in 25 grams bag

The perfect big yellow-orange marigold flower and a tiny, tender rosebud.

Our commitment for sustainability


€ 8.90

Aroma/Fragrance: Flowery, Delicate, Sweetie
Color: Light Golden Yellow
Flavour: Mild, Sweet, Light Notes Of Honey And Flowers

1 sphere x 400 cc. Of natural mineral water at 80/ 90°C. Infusion time is up to 5-6 min, or unless the flower opens. A second infusion is possible.

Green Tea

Perfect tips of green tea Silver Needles are tied together in the form of a whitish ball, hiding a big yellow-orange marigold flower and a tiny, tender rosebud. A small masterpiece of Chinese art of Gong Yi Cha. Smooth and flowery tea with a honey coloured liquor.

Goes well with steamed vegetable and salads.

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